Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface, better known as REST API, is a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services. It operates based on the principles of REST, an architectural style that uses standard HTTP methods to perform operations on resources. These resources are typically represented in formats like JSON or XML.

Enabling REST API Functionality on REDSCAN Pro and REDSCAN mini-Pro

Here’s how to enable the REST API functionality:

1. Access the device advanced settings:

    • Navigate to View > Menu > Always Show Advanced Settings.
    • Save and apply these settings. The Advanced Settings menu should now be visible.
REST API for RLS Pro and mini Pro capture step 1

2. Configure the detection profile:

      • Select Detection Profile 1.
      • Go to HTTP Notification, where you'll find the configuration menu.
    REST API for RLS Pro and mini Pro capture step 2

    3. Set up the device

      Within the detection profile device menu there are three options. To set up the connection to your REST API device, follow these steps:

      Select Generic Device:

        • Choose the Generic Device option.
        • Enter the necessary details, including the IP address, username, and password for the REST API device you wish to connect to.
      REST API for RLS Pro and mini Pro capture step 3

      Store credentials:

      • On the REDSCAN Pro and REDSCAN mini-Pro, the IP address, username and password are all stored. The user only needs to provide the command.
      • Each alarm output has an Activation and Inactivation command, with test commands for the user to check prior to deploying the integration.

      Benefits of using REST API with REDSCAN Pro and REDSCAN mini-Pro

      The REST API functionality in the REDSCAN Pro and mini-Pro Series offers a range of significant advantages, allowing users to access advanced functions of the device without the need for any additional hardware or software. Due to the REDSCAN Pro and mini-Pro sensors having two detection profiles, the sensor can interact with two separate devices, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of your security setup.